quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2009

Un petit poème d'un garçon amoureux

Non, je n'ai rien à écrire aujourd'hui. Mais un garçon m'a envoyé un poème qu'il a écrit pour une fille il y a quelques ans. Vous pouvez déjà déduire qu'il était amoureux d'elle. Le poème a été écrit en français et je l'ai aimé bien. Alors... j'ai pensé que je pourrais le poster ici.

Dame de mes rêves

Je ne saurais jamais dire
Quel est mon vrai sentiment
Alors j'ai décidé d'écrire
Ce que les mots parlés préfèrent
Ne pas te raconter.

Je me souviens da la première fois
En rêvant, je t'ai rencontrée
Je voulais tellement te voir
Mais un bruit m'a réveillé
Et je n'ai pas pu te connaître

Et alors... peut-être
Durant un jour gris, avant l'orage
Nous nous serions vus
Un sourire a éclairé mon visage
Et tu ne m'as pas reconnu

Ton corps, je l'ai vu à la plage
On dirait que cette histoire est incroyable
Mais même les rêves sont parfois véritables

Depuis ce temps là
Je t'ai toujours attendue chez moi
Ma chambre a été si triste sans ta chaleur
Tu n'es pas encore venue. Pourquoi?

En fait, j'ai eu beaucoup de douleur
Mais tu seras ma joie
Car pour moi, tu es déjà la seule reine
Ne me laisse pas avoir de la peine

Ton âme, elle m'enseigne à aimer
Ton coeur, je le veux maintenant

J'espère que tu ne sois pas fâchée
Je te veux toujours comme ça, en souriant

Les étoiles nous verront et elles seront nos amies
Viens à moi et nous pourrons jouir de la vie

terça-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2009

La recherche pour les lettres, les doutes, la peur de l'avenir...

Je n'ai pas encore trouvé les lettres d'autrefois. Je croyais que je les avais mises dans quelque tiroir de mon garde-robe, mais j'ai eu tort. Bien, je ne sais pas ce que je peux faire, mais j'espère sincèrement qu'elles ne soit pas perdues pour toujours. J'ai besoin de les trouver tout de suite. Euh, bien, vous savez que je suis en vacances, alors il n'y a pas beaucoup de choses à faire. Je me réveille tard, je déjeune et puis je ne sais plus quoi faire. C'est pourquoi je pense qu'il serait super si je pouvais lire de nouveau tout ce que j'avais enregistré dans les premiers textes que j'ai écris dans la vie. Il y a trop de souvenirs qui ont une valeur spéciale pour moi. Je sais que j'en ai déjà trop parlé, mais je sens que je ne me sentirai qu'enfin joyeuse pendant ces jours de vacances tant que je ne les trouve pas.

D'accord, mais on peut écrire sur des autres choses, bien sûr. En premier, c'est magnifique que mes deux amis aiment l'idée d'écrire dans ce blog autant que moi. Bien que je n'écrive pas souvent, j'aime lire ce qu'ils écrivent et je peux sûrement dire que je suis très orgueilleuse d'eux. Je savais bien que les garçons que j'ai choisis pour être mes seuls amis seraient des hommes géniaux!

Bien, je crois que je n’ai pas encore dit beaucoup de choses sur moi-même. Le problème c’est que je ne sais même pas ce qui pourrait être dit à mon propos. J’ai déjà dit que j’ai 17 ans, non ? Euh... j’habite avec mes parents, mes deux frères, ma soeur et mon cousin (oui, nous sommes une grande famille) et peut-être que je vais commencer à étudier le droit à la fac. Esperons oui. ^-^. Toutefois on m’a dit que je ne peux pas être une bonne avocate parce que je suis très timide et je n’aime pas du tout avoir de longues disputes avec les autres.

Par contre, je sais qu’il faut toujours savoir défendre ce que tu crois juste. Et la justice devrait être l’idéal de tous les hommes. Bien, vous direz que je suis une petite fille rêveuse peut-être, mais on ne peut pas abandonner ses rêves à cause des difficultés qu’on aura sûrement sur le chemin de la vie. Et quand il s’agit du droit, il y a beaucoup d’empêchements pour réussir enfin à la justice pleine. C’est difficile, oui, mais ça n’est aucun motif pour que nous n’essayons pas d’y arriver.

J’ai aussi cru qu’il serait bon d’être professeur et enseigner une langue aux enfants. J’aime ça ! C’est un doute cruel, parce que j’adore aussi l’étude d’autres cultures, langages, croyances, et on les apprend bien à traves de l’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère. Alors... je me demande quelques fois pourquoi nous devons choisir si tôt ce que nous voulons faire pour le reste de nos vies. Pour l’amour de Dieu, je n’ai que 17 ans ! Les gens plus vieux disent que cette angoisse c’est normal quand on est encore jeune. Je pense que j’aimerais étudier les lois ou les langues, mais je suis trop jeune, je peux découvrir plus tard que ma vraie passion est une autre chose. Mais je sais que le monde ne comprend ça. Les sentiments des adolescents sont inutiles, personne n’y est pour rien.
Mon doute: le droit et la lutte pour la justice...
...ou l'étude des langues?

N’en parlons plus. Tout ce que j’espère c’est que je trouve vraiment mon bonheur en étudiant soit le droit soit la linguistique. Et penser à l’avenir me fait du mal. Ça va mieux que je m’arrête. Ce qui nous importe maintenant c’est que je suis très heureuse, enfin en vacances, à côté de ma famille, mes deux bien aimés amis... oh, et bien sûr, mon petit-ami aussi, je ne pourrais pas l’oublier, hehehe.

Je finis ici ce texte. Vous avez remarqué que je n’avais pas trop à parler, mais je me sens très bien après écrire n’importe quoi. C’est une spèce de soulangement. L’âme respire en paix et les choses autour de moi semblent plus claires. Oui, je suis folle, Luciano et Fernando me le disent toutes les fois que nous nous rencontrons. Je les aime quand même, hehe.
C’est ça alors!! À plus, mes chéris!

sábado, 24 de janeiro de 2009

The special ladies

"Even now there is hope left."

I started reading The Lord of the Rings when I was only 11. I had seen a guy reading it during school break and the title of that volume had caught my attention all of a sudden. It was "The Two Towers". I don't know exactly why, neither what made me move towards him and ask him (it's serious, anyone would never believe the little shy Fernando was going to speak to a guy he had never noticed at school before) who was the author of the novel. Maybe the book had casted a spell on me. Amanda does believe it has something to do with the power of the One Ring, created by Sauron, the Dark Lord. By the way, only later I found out the title of the book referred to the story's main antagonist.

Why am I telling this anyway? Well, it was a great adventure to go into Tolkien's fantastic Middle-Earth and it surely had a critical impact on me. I say that because it's impossible not to get touched by the dramatic situation of the Fellowship of the Ring, being chased down everywhere by Mordor's and Isengard's armies, not to mention the wonderful descriptions of the fascinating landscapes the characters visit. But nothing enchanted more than The Lady of Lórien, also known as The Lady of Light, Galadriel. She gives us today the honour of being at the beginning of this posting, as you may have already noticed. I know that's her portrayed version in the LotR film trilogy, but I had no other better image to represent her. The great thing about reading a high fantasy epic novel is that you find so many characters and each of them causes some impact on you. Besides, it's you who can imagine how they look like exactly, the outlines of their physique profiles, the other details that were not mentioned, always helped by the description given by the author, of course. And there's a special room for Galadriel in my imagery.

Among so many male characters and in a moment of deep despair, eight men enter in the beautiful fields of a woody region and come across a pretty, majestic woman, who rescues the energy of the group, which seemed to be lost forever in that very moment of their lives. "Even now there is hope left". Maybe someone who hasn't read any of the books doesn’t understand anything at all. Well, let's say I'm using Tolkien's novel just to explain something I haven't managed to put into words yet. I thought it'd be easier if I used an example as a proof. I'm talking of the talent that some women have in their hearts and mind. I guess some people call it just intuition, or accurate perception, or just sensibility, but it must be a power that is beyond those words. They can hear the cries of your soul when you're feeling down, they can clearly understand the motives of your pain, even though you don't understand it yourself. And more than that. They can make you feel better, with their wise words and their soothing voices.

Yeah, I believe they are the real rulers in the realm of feelings. I've always wondered why they deal much better with them than us men. There must be some kind of inner talent, something natural, something that comes within them. Galadriel was the first woman who made me aware of this. And suddenly I realised there were other fantastic women around me. At first, I must never forget her who has been the most important character in every page of the book of my life. Of course that's my mother. Another remarkable girl is my sister, Simony. Although she may still think I'm his little, foolish boy, I believe I've grown up a bit and become fully aware of her beauty and intelligence. Thank you all for supporting me, loving me, trusting me.

And the third most fundamental girl in my life is surely the other participant of this weblog. You all already know I’m referring to Amanda. She was my first female friend and a unique girl. In fact, I think she reminds me of Galadriel quite much. Maybe because of her elegance, her subtle look, her simple, but powerful graciousness. Enfin… I could tell a lot of other good aspects about Amanda, but that’ll be the subject of a new posting.

For now, all that I want to say is thanks to all these marvelous women I have the privilege to live with. I know every man is surrounded by his own special women. I have said thanks to all those who are the most important to me. Sometimes we think we have known someone who will be special forever, but later we found we were mistaken. In spite of that, I’m totally sure I will never be disappointed at any of the three women I have mentioned above.
And fortunately I could realise just in time I am a very lucky guy. It’s such a great honour to know I can always count on them, my three Galadriel’s. The prettiest, the wisest, the most elegant.

This is a very simple homage, and surely they deserve much more. But isn’t it incredible how a single character from a fantasy novel could make such a big difference in an 11 year-old boy’s mind? It opened up my eyes and made me realise the most important women in my life were there, right under my nose. I hope everyone has already found their own Galadriel’s. These high ladies one cannot live without.

As I already said, I have three Galadriel’s in my life. When will I get to know the fourth?

sexta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2009

Et voilà! A great song!

Nature Boy
Eden Ahbez

There was a boy
A very strange, enchanted boy
They say he wandered very far, very far
Over land and sea,
A little shy and sad of eye
But very wise was he.

And then one day,
One magic day he passed my way
While we spoke of many things
Fools and Kings
This he said to me

The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return.

That's a very beautiful song. I like it beyond words. Actually I fell in love with it since the first time I listened to it. I remember it happened during a wonderful afternoon at Amanda's, in March 2005. Wow, we were only 14! Fernand and I had been invited to go to her house because there was a film she would like to watch with us. Well, there wasn't anything to do, how could we refuse her invitation? Besides, it's great when the three of us are together, it's lots of fun, I tell you! We drink much wine, play chess and other card games, and of course, we watch a movie, "specially selected by me" always says Amanda. We're not so sure about the quality of the movie, but it's all right. The wine is always good!

Lol, okay, okay, I was kidding, Amanda, no offence meant! But I was talking about the movie itself! It was Moulin Rouge. I guess some of you have already heard of it (we have a great friend who is an absolute fan of it). I didn't think I would appreciate it as much as I actually did. The first song was exactly that: Nature Boy. It was fantastic, and even after the movie ended, I asked Amanda to play just the first song again. It's beautiful and truly intense. There is a Brazilian version of it, I believe. The lyrics in Portuguese was composed by Caetano Veloso, if I'm not mistaken. But, with all the respect due to the brilliant Brazilian singer and poet, it doesn't have the same purity and magnificence that I sensed in the original version in English.

Two women dancing at the Moulin Rouge, by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

It begins talking about a boy, but maybe he's not a real boy. I used to imagine him as an old man, but with a pure heart, just like a little boy's. And then comes this verse: "A little shy and sad of eye". It's weird, I think it could be a reference to that "old man", and in spite of that sometimes I can see that description in my friend, Fernando, who is only 17. Yeah, maybe the boy of the song could be him, Fernando, the other guy who posts here. Well, maybe you don't know him yet. I've been friends with him for 11 years, though, and that allows me to say I do know a piece of his personality. He's a nice guy, but shy and sad of eye. "But very wise was he". Man, that is a brilliant confirmation of everything I've been saying all along.

Okay, nobody is understanding anything else and I should just shut up and choose another subject. But now that I'm writing about that song, things look so clear. I mean, it does seem like the song is talking about someone who could be very similar to my best friend. "And then one day, one magic day he passed my way". Yeah, we could even say our 11 year-old friendship would be metaphorically compared to that "one day, one magic day". Lol, would someone please wake me up? Maybe I'm only rambling away and I haven't noticed it yet. But this is my own interpration. I will talk about it with Amanda later. I'm sure she'll agree with me. I know I'm absolutely right.

And at last, there's the great revelation of the song. And an eternal lesson for life. The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. Nothing could have been as powerful as those two verses. Thanks, Amanda, if I hadn't been invited by you to watch that film, I would never have felt this very energy that comes intensely from each verse of this song.

I know I wrote a lot about love in my last posting, but it is surely something I wouldn't stand living without. And no feeling can ever be compared to true love. That very love you receive sincerely from your parents and friends. Great friends like Amanda and Fernando (wow, I'm such a suck-up, aren't I? LOL). And of course, my sweet Juliana... err, okay, folks, that's my girlfriend's name. BUT... I'm afraid to say I'm a little shy too and I won't talk about my love affairs here. Hm... no, no, Juliana is not only a love affair, it's the greatest love story I've ever lived to date. Okay, enough!

I promise I will talk about another thing next time. Somehow I feel like no one has been reading this, but if you ARE reading this (it means you're a very patient person, blessed you), please write a comment. You just need to click right below, where it says "comentários". Thanks!

Oh, let me make a last observation: although I have the strong feeling no one has been reading what we write here, it is curiously nice and pleasant to write whatever goes on my mind. Maybe this is what we call freedom. But hey, how could I be so insensitive? I know I have at least 3 readers. Thanks for your patience! =D

Bis bald, meine Freunde!

terça-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2009

A few words about a few things...

Well, I had been wondering these days what I'd choose as a subject for this posting and I realised there wasn't too much I could write about. When that is the case, the only thing you can do is to start writing and see where the words take you.

And it seems like my two other friends have been really inspired these days. I'm not so good at French, but Amanda translated her text for me later and I liked it very much. I mean, maybe no one else would ever know exactly how important our friendship has been through all these years we've been together. There are so many things to tell we could surely write a novel. Maybe Luciano has been writing something lately. He says he's not doing anything, but we can't quite trust him in that matter, given the fact he has taken us by surprise so many times before.

Anyways, I'd like to say that, yes, you're my two best friends, just like a brother and a sister. Thanks for everything!

And Luciano decided to talk about poetry. It's always good to read something about that. I myself used to write some poems when I was younger. They weren't good, of course. You can't expect a 14 year-old boy to write good poetic stuff at such young age unless he was some kind of genius or something. And I'm very far from being considered a genius.

I have stopped writing poems since... February 2008, I guess. I know I shouldn't have given up, but somehow a strange feeling had begun growing stronger inside me and I felt as if I had been wasting my time all along. My verses were useless and you'd just need to read them a couple of time to realise they had no special meaning at all.

It was difficult at the beginning, but now it doesn't bother me anymore. Every now and then I miss them, though. Those poems are the weirdest friends I'll ever have. I hope they forgive me for having taken them in arrest. Hope dies for last, though. And that's why I think they may regain their liberty someday. I am a bad father. At least I am realistic. I know my children are ugly.

Let's forget poems. If someone has been reading all of our posting, he/she must have noticed we love to mention we write/used to write poems, chroniques and other things. Yeah, my mate, the literary spirit has possessed our poor souls. But never think we're great poets or authors. Remember you're reading something written by a 17 year-old teenager!!! I mean, that goes for the three of us, we're only seventeen!

Now... well, I recognise I'm not being very original, but I have another text in Spanish to bring to you. It was actually written by a friend who doesn't show up very often. He's a bit shy, I would say. It is kind of an enigmatic text, but well... let's hope he'll never know I have posted it here. Yeah, I'm doing it without his authorization.

Frecuentemente tengo un problema cuando quiero escribir. Y el problema aquí es empezar. Estoy solo en un shopping center y todo lo que llega a mis oídos es una canción ridícula. Por lo tanto el sonido no me ayuda.

Ya quiero irme. Quedarme aquí me aburre. Quiero descansar y no pensar en nada más... pero las cosas no son más como antes. Hay un olor distinto en el aire. Sí, digo eso todos los días, pero hay una cuestión que no puedo contestar: si hay una diferenza, ¿por qué digo siempre que mi vida es una rutina eterna? Tal vez... la esencia de todo no cambia en absoluto. Lo que cambia es un pequeño detalle que tiene grande importancia para mí. Es difícil explicarlo. Sin embargo, es también inútil intentar entender el mundo raro de los sentimientos. Bien, yo no debería preocuparme por causa de eso. Pero... ¿por qué estoy hablando de eso? La fiesta va a empezar pronto.

Pero... no me gustan las fiestas. "¿Qué te gusta entonces?" me pregunta una voz sin dueño.
¡Ah! Es una buena pregunta. Bueno... podemos decir que me gustan el silencio, el sueño, la charla con los amigos, el estudio de las cosas que me interesan. Con todo, la mejor compañía es la familia. Espero que ellos no lean jamás estas líneas ridículas. Yo podría haber escrito una carta de amor. Seguramente habría sido mejor. Pero lo que he escrito es ridículo y también todas las cartas de amor son ridículas, como lo había dicho Pessoa. El resultado es el mismo. Finalmente solo quería decir que... los amigos. No se puede jamás viver sin ellos.

That's it, my friends. This time I do know the author's name, but I'll never reveal it.

See you all next time!

domingo, 18 de janeiro de 2009

Just writing...

Greetings, my friends! Luciano reporting for duty!

I think I should say some thanks before I start writing about anything else. First of all, thanks to Jerry for his great comment. As Amanda must have told you, we're all very thankful. I'm not so sure if this weblog will be as creative and interesting as we expect it to be... but we'll give our best. Second, thanks Amanda, it was really great to read what you said about us. I know we are extremely important in your life and we're very proud of it, you can be sure, pretty girl (lol, what lack of modesty!). Actually I wouldn't expect less from you. Anyway... very nice text, and... well, you know we love you as much as you love us. We're such a beautiful family, lol! =D

Now on with the news. Err... do I have any? I don't think so. But well... I though that maybe it would be nice if I helped Amanda with her research for more information on our common past. The first days of our friendship (which will soon be 11 years old) are not so clear anymore. Unfortunately a child’s memory is not so good, and that is a pity since our best moments are surely those that have happened during our childhood. Still worse is the fact I can remember some sad events that took place when I was still a toddle. I’d rather not talk about them, or at least not now. Even though everyone says time is the best remedy for our deepest wounds, I don’t think some of these have been fully healed yet.

Ow, I must stop thinking of the past. Life is happening here and now, that is what matters indeed. I want more poetry in our lives. The power of poetry will set us free! I read somewhere a quite interesting text, and although I can’t remember the entire text, there was a good paragraph. It said ‘music, poetry and freedom. In the secret language of eternal happiness those three words make a perfect rhyme’. What should I say after that? Hm… since our most relevant principle is liberty, I guess it’s okay if I write some quick verses. I’m not an authentic poet, though. Besides, I write better in Portuguese, of course. Anyway, voilà:

Life is so short

So let’s make love
It’s the best sport
It takes you to the stars above

Do you think we could fly away
And find the path to the pleasure of the blue sky?
Yeah, now we have nothing else to say
Enjoy life, for we’ll never die

Okay, it’s kind of ridiculous. And it doesn’t even have a title! What a shame! I shouldn’t have tried to write anything, but it’s been born, and even though it is an ugly kid, I can’t kill it. I don’t kill poems (Amanda does, though. She’s a very cruel murderer; she burns every single thing she writes).

Writing is a very helpful way to forget all those unpleasant thoughts that invade your mind once in a while. ‘It’s a kind of magic’, lol. Sure it is, Mr Mercury. I was wondering if I should post some of my other poems, but I’ve decided that wouldn’t be a great idea. I mean, although I don’t kill them, I usually hide them under the blankets because nobody deserves to read such crap. That’s not a crime, you all must understand my situation.

Besides, it always feels good to break the rules and that’s something poetry allows you to do. That’s why it may set everyone free. Sometimes I can’t see what is the point of all those guys out there, fighting like fools, bombing innocent people’s houses, installing a useless quarrel and getting nothing at the end. Money has a loud voice inside their minds. I suppose that’s the best explanation.

Of course the green paper is important, but everyone should know by now that it isn’t all life is about. Okay, I won’t start scolding anyone, I’m a stupid 17 year-old guy. But I think we should all be aware of what truly matters in this life and… okay, would someone please tell me to shut up at once? I’ve never liked to hear that kind of speech, why am I saying the same thing now? Dumb me.

Okay, okay, I’m confused now. Let me just record a simple request. Maybe it won’t be heard by anyone and it’ll get lost amid the general noise that has been raised from the cries of desperate women and their children and also from the angry yells of those greedy men, fighting for earning more dollars. But please, stop to think of how many lives your greed has ruined and realize there’s something beyond words and money… it’s a gift you can get everyday from a child’s smile, a happy family walking together, or even a kiss from your girl. That is surely something all your money will never buy. Enough! I sounded like “make love and not war”, but that’s my point indeed. No one will read it anyway.
'Poetry reading', by Irene Sheri

That girl is surely having a nice time reading some poems... I envy her. I must confess it's been quite a while since I could have the opportunity to read good ones.
Ja, I'm tired. 'Consider going to bed, Luciano, it’s the best you can do now.' says a subtle, familiar voice inside my mind. Oh no, no, I still want to chat a bit with a few friends on msn.

So long!

Beaucoup de mes amis sont venus des nuages...

L'amitié, Pablo Picasso

Et oui, avec le soleil et la pluie, comme des oiseaux de passage. Avez-vous déjà écouté cette chanson? Son nom est "L'amitié", elle est magnifique, je l'ai aimée depuis la première fois que je l'ai ecoutée. Il y a une certaine douceur au delà des mots qui m'a fait en tomber amoureuse. La version que j'ai écoutée était chantée par Françoise Hardy.
Mais bien, je ne vais pas écrire a propos des douces chansons, bien que celle-là méritait un article entier pour exprimer tout ce qu'elle me fait sentir toutes les fois que je l'écoute. De toute façon, il est probable que j'écrive à propos de l'amitié aujourd'hui.

D'accord, l'on doit me poser une question très pertinente: "de quoi vas-tu parler aujourd'hui, pour l'amour de Dieu? N'as-tu pas encore décidé le sujet central du blog? Le thème sera toujours l'amitié?". Bien, il me paraît que la seule chose dont j'ai parlé avec mes deux amis pendant les derniers jours c'est exactement quel sera notre sujet. En fin de compte, pourquoi avons-nous créé un blog si nous ne savons pas encore sur quoi écrire!? Je dois admettre que c'est pas facile expliquer, mais on a eu besoin d'avoir un site où toutes nos idées et pensées pourraient être dites sans aucune préoccupation. Comme Fernando nous avait suggéré dès le début de tout, le mot principal est 'liberté'. On peut écrire n'importe quoi. Je crois qu'il a déjà dit ça avant, lorsqu'il a posté un texte ici, hier... et j'en suis contente! C'est enfin décidé!

Aujourd'hui j'ai eu un examen et je préfère ne pas en parler. Bien sûr, il n'est pas agréable de parler sur ce qui ne nous plaît pas du tout. Disons qu'il y a beaucoup de choses plus importantes qui doivent être dites avant tout.
Lorsque je me suis levée ce matin, j'ai commencé à chercher quelque chronique que j'avais écrite il y a deux ou trois ans. Je ne m'en souviens pas bien, mais j'étais accoutumée à écrire tous les jours. Il y en avait des poèmes, des lettres qui ne seraient jamais envoyées, des textes stupides... je sais que j'en serais honteuse si je les trouvais et les lisais encore, mais pour une étrange raison j'ai senti l'envie de les relire plus une fois. Peut-être que ces textes seraient une espèce de passeport pour prendre un vol vers le passé. Je voudrais regarder de nouveau le film de mon enfance et des premiers jours de mon adolescence.

Revoir tous ces scènes perdues par l'effet de ma mémoire faible m'apporterait des souvenirs magnifiques... de temps en temps j'essaie de me rappeler comment j'ai connu Luciano et Fernando et comment nous nous sommes devenus les trois meilleurs amis qui pourraient jamais exister. Ils peuvent dire que j'exagère peut-être, mais ça c'est la vérité. Je ne sais pas ce que je serais si je ne les avait pas connus. Vous vous rendez déjà compte que je suis completement amoureuse d'eux. Bien, c'est un amour fraternel, pur et sincère. Fernando ne pourra pas comprendre ce texte tout de suite, il aura besoin d'un traducteur, et Luciano peut faire ce rôle peut-être. Ils me demanderont pourquoi je dis ça, mais j'ai trouvé que parler sur eux dans les premiers textes de ce blog serait une décision très juste et aussi bien fondamentale. Ça fait presque 11 ans que nous sommes de bons amis, et je sens que je dois leur remercier de leur amitié et leur loyauté tous les jours.
Vous penserez peut-être que c'est étrange qu'une fille dise que ses meilleurs amis son deux garçons. Je comprends qu'on se demande pourquoi je ne parle jamais de mes amies. Bien, la seule amie que j'ai eue n'habite plus au Brésil. Elle est allée en France, le pays d'où son père est. Elle m'appelle de temps en temps et nous parlons beaucoup au téléphone. Mais je parlerai d'elle dans une autre occasion.

Je finis ce petit texte ici. Si vous avez tout lu, merci beaucoup por votre attention. Dans la prochaine mise-à-jour, j'espère pouvoir décrire mieux les premiers ans de notre amitié et les moments dont je me souviendrai pour toujours, indépendamment des lettres ou textes... ce sont des moments enregistré fortement sur mon tableau de memóries.

À plus!

sábado, 17 de janeiro de 2009

Which language? That's the question!

Hey everybody!
I guess I'm the only one who hasn't been introduced yet. I'm Fernando, Amanda and Luciano's best friend, lol. I'm 17 years old, just like them and... well, why should you care anyway? Age doesn't matter now.

We created this weblog yesterday, but technically today it's the first day we have posted anything relatively useful. We plan to use it together and we'll post whenever we feel like doing it, you know.
Nevertheless there's a doubt hanging in the air: which language(s) should we write in? I mean, we know for sure that English and French will always be used, but a question came up during one of our discussions: what about Spanish, Portuguese, and even German? (I can't read a single phrase in it, but Luciano is an expert at it). Since we don't know yet the answer, maybe someone could help us out a bit leaving us a little comment.

As for myself, I've loved this idea since the moment it was born. I guess they have liked it as much as I have, but there's something special for me. I've always wanted to have a weblog, and now I've been given this great opportunity of sharing my life experiences, texts, chronicles and other things with my two best friends and whoever who finds this address. I have been feeling a little lonely these days, and there's nothing better than friends when those kind of poisonous feelings find their way into your heart.

I hope we can always keep on updating it. And that's it. I believe you will get to know more about me as time goes by... I guess I've already written too much for today.
Here goes a small text in Spanish I found another day and I liked very much:

"Entre nosotros hay una estrella que aún brilla y nos da esperanza. Si crees realmente en el amor y su poder de curar hasta las heridas más profundas, te pido que pienses mejor y veas esta estrella. Es tan hermosa como tú... y bajo su luz, quiero dormir contigo esta noche. Sentiré el calor de tus brazos y la dulzura de tu rostro. Tal vez no te gustará escuchar esto así, pero la verdad es que solo puedo ser feliz contigo. Muchas gracias por los días que te quedaste conmigo. Espero que no te vayas cuando la mañana nos despierte... deja que el cielo nos mire con su suavidad"

Maybe a little bit cheesy. Lol, nevermind, it's great. Too bad I don't know the identity of the author.

See you, guys!

Coucou! C'est moi, mes enfants!

Bonjour! Comment ça va?

Bien, je peux imaginer que vous ne me connaissez pas encore, et ça c'est très probable. Je suis une des trois amis qui ont décidé de créer ce blog. Je m'appelle Amanda, et j'ai 17 ans.
Mon autre ami, Luciano, a déjà posté un texte il y a quelques heures... je ne sais pas s'il a dit quelque chose à propos de nous. Malheureusement je ne comprends rien qui soit écrit en anglais. Tout le monde me dit que je dois l'apprendre parce qu'il est la langue la plus importante de l'univers, mais bien... je n'aime que les langues latines, c'est-à-dire, j'aime étudier français, espagnol, italien... et portugais, bien sûr. =D

Je sais qu'il est possible que les gens préfèrent qu'on écrive en anglais parce qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup de personnes qui comprennent le français facilement et... bien, je suis désolée, mais je vais taper toujours en français quand même. Et maintenant arrêtons d'en parler, hehe.

En premier, je dois vous demander que vous pardonniez mes erreurs. J'ai beaucoup étudié la langue française, mais il n'a pas été suffisant pour que je la parle comme une vraie française. D'ailleurs c'est possible que vous vous demandez maintenant: mais de quoi veux-elle enfin parler? Et la réponse vous surprend: je ne sais pas encore. xD

Ou peut-être que je vous dirai: à propos de toutes les choses dont j'aime parler. Les sentiments, la poésie, mes deux amis (qui sont absolument fantastiques et une des grandes raisons de ma vie), ma famille, mon pays...
Nous avons créé une nouvelle langue et nous avons alors pensé qu'il serait bon et utile si nous pouvions utiliser ce blog-ci pour pratiquer ce que nous apprenons. Le nom de cette langue est "LAF", mais c'est pas encore définitif.

Alors mes amis... je sais que presque personne ne lira ça. Cépendant je me sens très joyeuse en ayant un petit livre virtuel où je peux écrire n'importe quoi. J'adore des poèmes, et j'ai écrit quelques-uns... si j'ai courage, je vous les montrerai, xD.

Bienvenue! Le festin va enfin commencer! =D
Erthojai! ^^

The beginning

Olá! Hello! Salut! ¡Hola! Hallo! Ciao!

And here we are. This is our first post on this web-log, and we hope we'll be able to write a lot more of these. Well, maybe they'll be better in the future since I'm not feeling like typing that much right now. My name's Luciano and the other two friends will be introduced in time. I can tell you they're very nice people =D

The point is: we are still thinking about what we'll write here. Maybe only common subjects, some poetry (us loves it!), lyrics, and other simple facts that happen in our lives. We like the idea of having a free space on internet where we can post everything that goes on our minds.

By the way, we haven't chosen yet which will be our lingua franca. We decided to start with English because it's a language everybody will be able to understand, but it's possible that we'll try to post something in French, Spanish, German and even Italian. Oh, of course, how could we forget our mother-tongue: Portuguese, of course.

Another important point is: we've created a new language. Well, I know nobody else is crazy enough to study an useless artificial language created by three lazybones, but we have thought that it would be nice if we could practice it here... don't worry, it's just a little bit. The language hasn't got a name yet. However, we will call it LAF for a while. I like the way it sounds. xD

And last, but not least, your comments are very important to us. We hope to get a lot of them. Well, maybe not so much, since we know this weblog won't be known by many people. But anyways... if you feel like giving us a compliment, insulting us, or sending your family a kiss, feel free to leave us a comment. We'll be very thankful, no matter what you will say.

So... that's it.

Now we invite you all to come in... and stay at ease. And here is the door:

À la prochaine fois! Bye! =D